The Haunted Villa Halloween Blowout @ Villa Victoria

By Dream Team Halloween (other events)

Fri, Oct 25 2013 9:00 PM EDT Sat, Oct 26 2013 2:00 AM EDT

Your Ticket Gets You: 1) Admission to the Villa Victoria; 2) 5 Hour Open Bar, 9PM-2AM (Liquor and beer); 3) 3 DJs on stage all night for the best dance party of the Halloween Season!  


The air is getting cooler, the nights darker earlier, and the smell of pumpkin coffee, pie, beer and candles is in the air. It's a special time of year. It's Halloween. We would like to invite you to the Halloween party of the year. On Friday October 25th the doors of the Haunted Villa will open with an open-bar, dance party like no other. We have rented Villa Victoria, an old converted church in the South End to throw this party. No lie, this mother fucker is haunted as shit. Stained glass windows, creepy ass carvings, and dark shadowy corners. You will look around and feel like you're at church except its a killer dance party and you're worshipping our nasty DJs delivering a sermon on the decks. We are bringing in Boston's big gun - DJ TAO, shipping up to Boston from NYC - Swoods, and opening it up, one of the good ol' boys DJ C-Mac.


There will be an OPEN BAR from 9-2am with a liquor bar downstairs and upstairs in the balcony combined with 2 beer/shot stations to the left/right of the main stage.

COSTUME CONTEST: Planning the perfect costume is key. Cash prizes to be announced soon for the winners. We wish you luck.


Lastly, we ask you be polite to our kind hosts at the Villa. They want us to have fun and we don't want to scare them away. We will work to our utmost ability to ensure you have an amazing time, a short wait for drinks, and a speedy line. There will also be a coat check for all you ladies out there rocking those skimpy little numbers in the cold.

Looking forward to celebrating with all of you. Get your tickets early before the prices increase.  As it did last year, this event WILL SELL OUT!  See you all soon!  



 -Chelsi, Gerry, Swenson and Jerome